My mom threw me a baby shower on August 9. It was a blast and we got so much good loot! Here are a few pictures taken by my cousin:

The cake! It says "Congrats it's a ?" because we don't know the sex of the baby.

This is the front of the card that my mother-in-law got me. I think it's hysterical!

This is our diaper pail. I have the lid to it on my head...something
always ends up on my head. My mom wrapped it in tissue paper and then filled it up with goodies!

Some bibs from my mom.

Super-cute onesies!
I have some majorly talented friends. Check out their contributions:

My friend, Kristin made these thank you cards for me.

And Chantal made me these giraffe pictures to put on the walls of my nursery. I can't wait!
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